 时尚优雅的意大利PaoLa Lenti家...
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类别:国外设计 | 录入者:says | 发布时间:2011-01-23 [5498]


 Presotto家具的设计总是功能设计为中心理念。从创立之初,就把研究和开发新产品作为企业在竞争中制胜的法宝,作为意大利最现代化和先进的家具企业之一。其成功的基本条件是和众多顶尖的设计师合作,如Pierangelo Sciuto, Claudio Lovadina, Simone Micheli, Lorenzo Bellini, Marco Piva, Sophie Larger, Tormena-Neadesign, Rabadesign and Toyo Ito.
Presotto’s design is always functional. It is born and developed in the Research and Development Centre, one of the most modern and sophisticated ones in Italy. Fundamental to its success is the collaboration with designers such as Pierangelo Sciuto, Claudio Lovadina, Simone Micheli, Lorenzo Bellini, Marco Piva, Sophie Larger, Tormena-Neadesign, Rabadesign and Toyo Ito.
 Presotto has become one of the most prominent Italian companies in the furniture sector. It offers living room furniture, in particular back-to-wall furniture, and bedroom furniture including wardrobes, beds and complementary items. All Presotto’s products can be customised thanks to modular systems that guarantee a perfect result for any home.
(责任编辑:北 方)
» 上一篇: 诞生于1948年的意大利PRESOTTO家具(二)
» 下一篇: 意大利Snaidero诗耐德橱柜赏析(三)