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类别:展会快讯 | 录入者:fid | 发布时间:2017-04-07 [3216]



       首届空间与室内设计展曾成功地吸引了8,000多名专业观众(其中30%来自海外)前来观展。继这次巨大成功之后,本届空间与室内设计展将再次华丽登场。这是唯一个与米兰国际家具展建立了官方联系的展会,期间将重点展示建筑物装饰项目。这场视觉盛宴的展出地点位于米兰市布雷拉设计区(Brera Design District)的新门购物中心(Mall Porta Nuova),具体展出项目包含各类门具、把手、涂料和装饰用品、窗户、墙饰、涂饰及室内结构等等。


       新展会由Migliore+Servetto Architects策划完成。该团队将在新门购物中心(The Mall,位于新门(Porta Nuova)繁华地段的钻石大厦(Diamond Tower)脚下所提供的空间中注入新的亮点,为观众展现出一个追随前沿潮流的会场。米兰国际家具展的展出对象主要是一系列家具成品,而空间与室内设计展则将更多的注意力放在优质内饰、涂饰和窗户设计项目上。


       Migliore+Servetto Architects策划了一场名为“绝对轻”的展览,向观众们展示各制造商是如何将无形的概念融入到他们的产品及技术方案中去的。轻一直都是建筑学所关注的重要方面,它能够影响建筑物的持续使用、各种材料之间的相互作用以及对自身产生影响。此次展览从三种不同的层次出发,进行了相关诠释。第一个层次的诠释是经由位于中央漫步长廊的展品来实现的——白色长桌为观众展示具体的展出内容和产品,同时还专门针对此次探索之旅设计并使用了交互式应用程序。对中间层次的诠释则是借助了对反光表面的描述——这种反光表面在视觉上实现了空间的扩张,并带来全新维度。为此,展会现场提供大量产品描述、图片及图示说明,以便更详细地呈现这种视觉化效果。


       这些投影凸显了有关轻的各种概念、轻的本质、乌托邦式的建筑以及轻本身,而且鉴于轻与其他因素的关联性,此次探索之旅还展出了大量带有启发性和暗示性的材料及产品。“我们营造了一个叙事性的空间来强调轻这一主题,而轻本身一直都是建筑学所关注的重点,并且通常而言,在那些注重材料及空间运用的设计项目中,轻也是设计师们较为关注的因素”, Ico Migliore和Mara Servetto解释说。

       2017空间与室内设计展还将举行众多行业会晤和研讨会,以方便广大业内人士交流心得,增长专业知识。其中一个休息区将举办“建筑师鸡尾酒会”。特邀贵宾包括:Fabio Novembre、Luca Molinari、Carlo Lazzarini、Carl Pickering、Alfonso Femia、Carla Baratelli、Fabio Rotella 和Duccio Grassi。

展会期间,IMM策划的名为“La Luce del Marmo”的展览将通过具体的设计项目展现三大设计主题,即:卡拉拉大理石、轻和光线,同时向观众阐述如何实现物质及形式的增值。



       An event/exhibition that explores the meaning of modern living in terms of finishes and materials. The theme running through the entire event is “lightness”.

Following the successful first edition that attracted over 8,000 professional visitors (30% of whom from overseas), we welcome the return of space&interiors, the only event linked with the Salone del Mobile.Milano and entirely centred on architectural finishes. The Mall Porta Nuova, in the heart of Milan’s Brera Design District is the venue of this visually stunning showcase for top notch doors, handles, paint and decorating supplies, windows, wall coverings, finishes and interior architecture.

       From Tuesday, 4 April to Saturday, 8 April 2017 space&interiors will shine the spotlight on a sector that is attracting increasing attention from designers and architects, as well as maintaining powerful dialectic ties with Milan Design Week. The stated interest and high profile of enthusiastic visitors to the 2016 event emphasise the role of space&interiors as an unmissable opportunity to capture the attention of professionals on the lookout to incorporate exciting new ideas and products into their projects.

The new setting, curated by Migliore+Servetto Architects, will add sparkle to the space provided courtesy of The Mall, a cutting-edge venue situated at the foot of the Diamond Tower in the heart of the Porta Nuova neighbourhood. While the Salone del Mobile.Milano’s main focus is on the finished product, space&interiors pays attention to top quality interiors, finishes and windows.

       Upon entering the display space, visitors will experience the entire show floor as a narrative that winds its way through different areas. A striking esplanade takes the visitor through three different yet seamlessly integrated areas: a purely commercial trade show with products on display in stands set up in accordance with a distinctive exhibition design look, a dynamic yet welcoming space to accommodate private business meetings, and a more immersive area housing a dynamic installation disclosing the characteristics and qualities of individual products.

       The “Absolute Lightness” exhibit, created by Migliore+Servetto Architects, shows how different manufacturers embed the concept of weightlessness into their products and solutions. Lightness has always been the cornerstone of architecture, insofar as it is a wellspring for sustainability, interactions with other materials, and light itself… The exhibit is driven by a narrative on three separate levels. One occupying the wide central promenade, where long white tables invite visitors to explore contents and products also via an interactive App designed specifically for this rare journey of discovery. Behind reflective surfaces expanding the space and giving rise to entirely new dimensions, an intermediate level offers a more visual narrative with an array of quotes, specific pictures of products, and illustrations.

       The upper level delivers yet another take on lightness. Dynamic projections and lighting make up a complex system with overhead structures jutting out over the tables below. Emphasising the significance of transitions, the aisles between the tables are highlighted by huge round hovering projections and thin lines of light.

       The projections put the accent on the many and varied concepts of lightness, be it in nature, utopian architecture or light itself, and as it relates to other elements, imbuing the journey of discovery into the materials and products featured in the exhibition with insights and implications.

       “We have created a narrative space to highlight the stated theme of lightness, which has traditionally been a focus of architecture and, generally speaking, of projects that draw significance from materials and spaces,” explain Ico Migliore and Mara Servetto. space&interiors 2017 will again be staging meetings and workshops offering a valuable learning experience. A special lounge area will host “Archicocktails” evenings. TrSpecial guests will include: Fabio Novembre, Luca Molinari, Carlo Lazzarini, Carl Pickering, Alfonso Femia, Carla Baratelli, Fabio Rotella, and Duccio Grassi.

       An exhibit entitled “La Luce del Marmo”, promoted by IMM, will focus on design as it ties in with the three themes running through the event: Carrara marble, lightness and light, as a means of imparting value to matter and form.

       Milan, 8 February 2017


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